SCO OpenServer Handbook

About this book
        How this book is organized
        How can we improve this book?

Installing and managing software components
        The Software Manager interface
        Installing software
                Loading software
                About products, components, and packages
        Removing software
                About dependencies
        Examining software packages
                Examining installed software
                Examining software to be installed
        Verifying software
        About software patches

Licensing and registering SCO OpenServer products
        The License Manager interface
        Licensing products
                Licensing additional users and CPUs
                        Adjusting system resources for additional users and CPUs
                        License Manager and kernel parameters
                Removing product licenses
        Registering products
        Displaying login licenses in use
        Troubleshooting license and registration problems
                License Manager will not accept Registration Key
                License Manager will not accept license information
                Licensing Policy Manager Daemon (sco_pmd) has terminated
                SCO OpenServer license has expired
                        Checking for SCO OpenServer product license expiration
                No user licenses were found on this machine
                LOGIN: ERROR- Failed to initialize policy manager
                        The /etc/sco_pmd binary is corrupted or missing
                        Key files or directories are missing
                        The root filesystem is mounted read-only
                        No user licenses exist, or there are no more licenses
                        The system has run out of STREAMS resources

Using the system
        What do I need to know?
        Command lines, operating systems, and networks
        Starting the Desktop
                Exiting the Desktop
                Using Desktop features
                Using the mouse
                Pressing onscreen buttons
                Using windows
                Using menus
                Using icons
                An overview of the SCO Panner window manager
        Getting help
                Getting character-based help
                        Troubleshooting character-based help
        Sending and receiving mail
                Sending e-mail
                Replying to e-mail
                Saving messages
                Deleting and restoring messages
                Getting more information about Mail
        Accessing the World Wide Web

Administering SCO OpenServer
        Understanding the basics
                What is system administration?
                What to read if you are new
                Keeping a system log
                The superuser account
                The keyboard
                Running programs simultaneously with multiscreen displays
                System security
        Administering your system with SCOadmin
                Starting SCOadmin from the command line
                About Sysadmsh Legacy
                Refreshing data in the display
                Using point help
                Using the toolbar
                Using SCOadmin in character mode
                Administering other systems with SCOadmin
                        Problems with multiple invocations
                        Making selections in character mode
                Using the System Defaults Manager
                        Changing the default editor
                Controlling processes with the Process Manager
                        Viewing processes
                        Searching for a process
                        Changing the priority of a process
                        Signaling a process
                Troubleshooting SCOadmin
                        SCOadmin will not start
                        Recovering from SCOadmin failures in character mode
                        Remote administration problems
                        SCOadmin error trace
                        The SCOadmin event log
        Managing your system with Caldera Volution Manager
                Enabling SNMP
                Verifying Volution Manager CA certificates
                        Using the Volution Manager Key Tool
                Starting the Volution Manager Client
                Troubleshooting Volution Manager Clients
                        Getting diagnostic information on Volution Manager Clients
                        Troubleshooting the Volution Manager Client daemon
        Educating users
        Planning your site
                User resource considerations
                Network considerations
                Hardware considerations
        Summary of system administration tasks

Starting and stopping the system
        Starting the system
                Loading the operating system
                Saving/deleting a system memory image
                Cleaning filesystems
                Choosing the mode of system operation
                        Single-user mode
                        Multiuser mode
                Setting the time and date at startup
                Setting the time and date during normal operation
                Changing the system time zone
                Checking the security databases
        Stopping the system
                Using the shutdown command line
                Using the haltsys command
        Logging in as the superuser
        Understanding the hardware information displayed at boot time
        Changing the startup process
                Changing the system restart options
                Changing the default bootstring (DEFBOOTSTR)
                Booting an old kernel
        Troubleshooting system startup
                About missing or corrupted system files
                Restoring critical security database files
                System fails to boot or displays ``NO OS'' message
                boot not found
                unix not found
                Cannot load floating point emulator
                Cannot exec /bin/login: No such file or directory
                Cannot open /etc/inittab
                /etc/initscript: /bin/sulogin: not found
                /etc/initscript: /etc/bcheckrc: not found
                no utmp entry. You must log in from lowest level -sh
                Fork failed... Resource temporarily unavailable
                System hangs at boot time
                Console keyboard locks up
                        Preventing console keyboard lockup
                        Wrong console keyboard type
                Cannot log into console

Customizing startup of the Graphical Environment
        Starting a Graphical Environment session
                Running scologin
                        Configuring scologin's startup behavior
                        Defining X server sessions
                        Logging out of scologin
                Running the startx script
                Using grey-scale monochrome monitors with the X server
                Solving problems exiting the X server
                Using the session manager
                        Starting scosession
                        Stopping scosession
                        Using scosession options
        Using environment variables
        Customizing scologin
                Using the scologin administration script
                Configuring scologin on multiple displays
                About XDMCP X server options
                Running scologin with XDMCP
                Running scologin with the Xservers file
                        Step 1: Stopping existing scologin processes
                        Step 2: Editing the Xservers file
                        Step 3: Enabling access to the remote display
                        Step 4: Running the X server on the remote display
                        Step 5: Starting scologin
        Using X terminals
                Managing an X terminal display with scologin
                        X terminals that do not support XDMCP
                        X terminals that support XDMCP
                Running a session on an X terminal without scologin

Specifying the locale
        The International Settings Manager interface
        Setting locales
                Localization of system software
                Setting the system locale
                Setting user locales
                About locales
                        Regular expressions and locales
                        How mail translates between locales
        Setting the system keyboard
        Selecting codesets
                Setting the internal system codeset
                Setting the console codeset
                Translating files between different codesets
        Setting device character mapping
                Device mapping
                Creating a character mapping table
                        Mapping input characters
                        Getting input from mapchan
                        Mapping output escape sequences
                        Mapping dead key sequences
                        Mapping compose sequences
                        Mapping function keys
                Configuring SCOterm for European languages
                Language behavior in SCOadmin
                Using mail in 8-bit (European) locales
                UUCP dialer scripts
        Enabling Euro currency symbol support
                Setting the ISO8859-15 codeset
                Using the Euro currency symbol
                Printing the Euro currency symbol
        Configuring multi-byte support

Troubleshooting system-level problems
        Other troubleshooting documentation
        Preparing to recover from problems
                Recording your root disk layout
        Restoring a corrupted root filesystem
        System crashes
                Recovering from a system panic
                Recovering after a power failure
                Automatic reboot
        Analyzing system failures
                Traps, faults, and exceptions
                Console panic information
                Getting the EIP number
                Checking error messages
                Checking system files with error histories
                Checking system configuration
                Generating a system dump image with sysdump(ADM)
        Examining a memory dump with crash(ADM)
                Studying a panic
                Additional help from Technical Support
        Common system-wide problems
        cron, at, and batch troubleshooting
                cron daemon is not running
                at command fails: cannot change mode of job
        Runaway processes

Basic hardware configuration
        Supported architecture
        General compatibility issues
        Typical device interrupts
        Configuring devices with bootstrings
        Using bootstrings
                Advanced Power Management bootstrings
                SCSI peripheral bootstrings
                SCSI host adapter bootstrings
                ATAPI/EIDE peripheral bootstrings
                EIDE/UDMA host adapter bootstrings
                Root hard disk bootstrings
                QIC-02 tape drive bootstrings
                Disabling drivers with bootstrings
                Memory bootstrings
                cache bootstring
                System console bootstring
        Using Boot-Time Loadable Drivers
                Adding BTLDs at boot time
                Adding BTLDs after initial installation
        Configuring drivers with the Hardware/Kernel Manager
                The Hardware/Kernel Manager interface
                About device driver configuration
        Using UDI drivers
                Installing and configuring UDI drivers
                        Configuring UDI network devices
                Removing UDI drivers
                Using UDI HBA drivers to install SCO OpenServer
        Relinking the kernel
        Configuring Power Management
                Configuring APM using pwrsh
                        Checking battery status regularly

Adding memory and bus cards
        Installing bus cards
                DIP switches and jumpers
                Installing the hardware
                Avoiding interrupt clashes on PCI/ISA bus machines
                Using the manufacturer's setup program
        Adding more memory
                Memory card compatibility notes
                Disabled high memory on Corollary architectures
                32-bit memory
        High-speed cache memory
        Adding math coprocessors
                Specific math coprocessor issues
        Adding an external floppy to an IBM PS/2

Adding SCSI host adapters and peripherals
        SCSI addresses
        Adding a SCSI peripheral device
        Boot time messages from host adapter drivers
        Adding SCSI PC Card host adapters
        Adding SCSI, ATAPI, and USB CD-ROM drives
        Adding SCSI, ATAPI, and USB removable storage drives
        Troubleshooting SCSI host adapters
                Installing when SCSI host adapters share interrupts
                Mixing scatter-gather and non scatter-gather host adapters
                SCSI peripherals not recognized

Adding PC Card devices

Installing Plug and Play devices
        The ISA PnP Configuration Manager interface
        Physically adding an ISA PnP card
        Selecting a card and device to configure
                Modifying resource allocation for a device
                Enabling BIOS resource allocation
                Disabling a device
        Resolving configuration conflicts
        Relinking the kernel and rebooting the system
        Troubleshooting card configuration
        Terminology and concepts
                Plug and Play Glossary
                Plug and Play files and utilities

Adding hard disks
        Supported hard disk configurations
        Adding secondary hard disks
        Configuring a SCSI hard disk
        Configuring a USB hard disk
        Configuring IDE disks and disk controllers
        Installing a hard disk
                Changing default disk parameters using dkinit
                Partitioning a hard disk using fdisk
                Scanning a disk for defects using badtrk
                Dividing a disk partition into divisions using divvy
        Overcoming BIOS limitations
                Defining IDE and ESDI disk geometry in the BIOS
                Overriding the root disk geometry stored in the BIOS
                Writing a new masterboot block
                BIOS support for disks larger than 1024 cylinders
        Replacing the root hard disk
                Configuring the root hard disk
        Troubleshooting hard disks
                Fixing bad tracks and bad blocks on hard disks
                Setting hard disk interleave
                Formatting hard disks

Adding tape drives
        Installing a tape drive
                Installing a SCSI tape drive
                Installing a QIC-02 cartridge tape drive
                Installing an Irwin mini-cartridge tape drive
                Installing a QIC-40/80 floppy tape drive
                Installing a Compaq CPQS tape drive
        Changing the default tape drive
        Troubleshooting tape drives
                General problems with tape drives
                Problems with QIC-02 cartridge tape drives
                        QIC-02 cartridge tape drive not recognized at bootup
                        Use of interrupts with the Archive drive
                        Settings required by the Olivetti drive
                        Bad octal digit
                        Tape commands hang
                        Cannot open /dev/rct0 error message
                Problems with SCSI tape drives
                        SCSI tape drive not recognized
                        Cannot access SCSI tape drive with /dev/rct0
                        Using the dd(C) command with Exabyte 8mm tapes
                        Waiting for DAT and Exabyte 8mm tape drives to initialize
                Problems with Irwin and QIC-40/80 tape drives
                        Irwin or QIC-40/80 tape drive not recognized at bootup
                        Difficulty backing up Irwin and QIC-40/80 tape drives
                        Tape formatting fails
                        Incorrect device nodes for Wangtek QIC-80 tape drives

Configuring video adapters

Adding serial and parallel ports
        About serial ports
        Adding and configuring serial cards
                Configuring a serial card
                Configuring a serial port
                Serial ports on multi-function cards
                Combining single port and multiport serial cards
                ISA and EISA serial cards
                Micro Channel Architecture serial cards
                PCI serial cards
        Troubleshooting serial cards
        About parallel ports
                Adding and configuring parallel ports
                Removing ISA parallel ports
                Modifying PCI parallel port configurations

Adding mice and bitpads
        Serial mice
        Keyboard mice
        USB mice
        Bus mice
        Configuring a mouse
                Changing mouse ports
                Testing a mouse
                Removing a mouse
        Changing the keyboard mouse resolution setting
        Using a mouse
                Using a mouse with multiscreens
                Using a mouse on serial terminals
                Sharing a mouse with several terminals
                Using a mouse with keyboard-based programs
                Using the pseudo-mouse driver
        Installing a bitpad
        Troubleshooting mice and bitpads
                Solving slow or no response from keyboard mice

Adding printers
        Installing parallel and serial printers
        Troubleshooting printers
                Setting up RTS/CTS protocol (hardware flow control) printers

Adding modems
        Installing a modem
                Choosing a serial port to use
                Connecting a modem to your computer
        Configuring a modem
                Configuring modems with the Modem Manager
                        Detecting a modem automatically
                        Adding a modem manually
                        Modifying the configuration of a modem
                        Removing a modem
                Configuring modems manually
                        Dialers file entries
                        atdialer and dialer programs
                        Understanding modem commands and setup strings
                        Creating a new atdial dialer
                        Creating a new dial dialer
                Guidelines for non-supported modems
        Setting hardware flow control
        Configuring remote connections
        Testing your modem connection
                Testing whether you can dial out
                Testing whether you can dial in
        Troubleshooting modems
                Problems dialing out
                        Modem dials, but does not connect
                        NO DEVICES AVAILABLE message
                        Modem answers, but terminal displays garbage
                        DEVICE LOCKED message
                        Modem does not hang up
                        Double echo
                Problems dialing in
                        Modem does not answer the phone
                        Modem answers, but hangs up
                        Garbage or loose cable
                        Modem answers, but no login prompt is displayed
                        Screen displays a series of login prompts
                        System displays meaningless characters

Adding serial terminals
        Installing serial terminals
        Testing a terminal connection
        Changing default terminal line characteristics
                Changing entries in /etc/gettydefs
                Checking terminal settings
                Changing serial line operation
        Setting the terminal type at login
                Setting the terminal type automatically
        Removing terminals
        Setting up serial consoles
        Setting up scancode-compatible terminals
                Installing scancode-compatible terminals
                Using function keys in scancode mode
                Running applications on scancode terminals
        Troubleshooting terminals
                Restoring non-functional terminals
                Fixing hung terminals
                Fixing scrambled terminal display
                Unlocking locked terminals
                Restoring non-echoing terminals
                Correcting hung scancode-compatible terminals
                Wyse 60 terminal in scancode mode

Configuring Internet Services
        Starting the Internet Manager
        Configuring network connections
                Accessing the network
                Configuring network cards
                Deferred TCP/IP configuration
                Using a modem to connect to the Internet
                        Creating an outbound PPP connection
                        Configuring an inbound PPP Connection
                        Testing your Internet connection
                        Troubleshooting your PPP connection
                Disabling automatic gateway configuration
        Configuring Internet Services
                        Providing access to unlisted packet filter services
                        Netscape FastTrack Server installation defaults
                        Starting and restarting Netscape FastTrack servers
                        Deferring or reconfiguring network configuration
                        Manually configuring Netscape servers
                        Improving Internet server performance
        Configuring Domain Name Service (DNS)
        Internet Services notes
                Internet Services system configuration limitations
                Internet Services software limitations

Managing virtual domains
        Enabling virtual domains
        Adding and deleting virtual domains
        Configuring services
                Configuring SYSTEM-WIDE
                Configuring interfaces
        Viewing properties of virtual domains
                Virtual domain name and DNS
                Administrative users
                Configuring e-mail
                Locking and unlocking an interface
        Remote administration of virtual domains
        Virtual domain notes

Configuring network connections

Configuration parameters

Supported mass storage devices
        Mass storage device notes
                        UDMA mode with Acer Labs M1543 IDE controllers
                        Installing on a machine with an Adaptec 1542CP
                        Adaptec 154x series clone devices
                        Adaptec 3960 dual channel SCSI host adapter
                        Adaptec Arrow SCSI chip sets
                        Adaptec SlimSCSI 1460/1480 PC Card adapters
                        Adaptec Ultra160 series host adapters
                        DPT PM 2022 SCSI host adapter
                        ISA bus support disabled for DPT SCSI host adapters
                        Disabled LSI Logic (formerly Symbios) controller
                        Bootstring needed to boot off Mylex controller
        Mass storage devices no longer supported

Supported video adapters
        Video adapter notes
                Default graphics mode incorrect for Intel 810 chipset
                Use ATI and Diamond DOS setup programs for higher graphics resolution
                NCR Microchannel systems using NCR 77C22 or 77C22E video chip
                Getting full graphical functionality for the NCR VGA adapter
                Notes on older video adapters
                        ATI Mach64 chip set based adapters
                        ATI Rage 128 video adapter hangs
                        ATI Ultra Pro or Ultra Plus
                        ATI Ultra Pro or Ultra Plus -- Early 92
                        Chips & Technology 6430x chip set based adapters including BOCA Voyager
                        Cirrus Logic GD 5428 chip set based adapters
                        Compaq QVision 1280 (2MB)
                        Diamond SpeedStar PRO
                        Diamond Viper PCI (2MB VRAM)
                        STB Horizon VL
        Graphics devices removed from SCO OpenServer

Serial adapters
                AMI lamb serial adapter
                Arnet serial adapter (MCA)
                AST serial adapter
                CTC Versanet serial adapter
                Digiboard serial adapter
                Olivetti RS232C multiport adapter
                Quadram serial adapter
                Stargate serial adapters on the Apricot Qi (MCA)
                Tandon serial adapter

Mice and bitpads
                Logitech bus mouse
                Microsoft bus mouse
                Olivetti bus mouse
                Logitech serial mice

                Smartmodem 1200 or compatible
                Smartmodem 2400, V-series 9600 or compatible
                Telebit Trailblazer

Supported network adapters
        Supported network adapters by manufacturer
        Supported network adapters by media and bus type
                Supported Ethernet adapters
                Supported FDDI adapters
                Supported Token-Ring adapters
        Network adapter notes
                        Supported adapters for network installation
                        Network card not detected
                        Hewlett-Packard HP J2585A 10/100VG PCI Network Adapter
                        IBM PCI Ethernet adapter support
                        SMC 8432/8434 EtherPower PCI network adapters
                        Media speed on some SMC 9332 not autodetected correctly

Kernel initialization check letters

vi command summary
