Screen mode
A window in dbxtra consists of one or more lines of the terminal
Windows are separated by a separator line: a line displayed in reverse video
(or highlighted) format.
Each window in dbxtra has associated with it one or more
A window capability describes the contents of that window
and the functions that can be performed on it.
The capability of a window is displayed at the extreme left of the separator
line immediately below the window.
The window at the bottom of the screen is always the
interaction window, and since there is no separator line below that window,
its capability is never displayed on the screen.
The dbxtra windows are:
The source window displays the source file being debugged.
An arrow (->) marker indicates the line
to be executed next. This window has the following capabilities:
Enables display of the relevant C source being debugged.
This capability is indicated by a ``C'' in the
separator line.
If the program being debugged is
a C++ program,
and C++ debugging information is available, the window
contains the relevant C++ source of the program being debugged.
This capability is indicated by a ``C++'' in the separator line.
Enables display of other source files -- typically through the use of
the file, func, or show_xref command.
This capability is indicated by the word ``browse'' in the separator line.
This window submits commands to the debugger and
displays messages from the debugger.
If the output window has
not been created, this window also contains the output from the
program being debugged.
This window is always the bottom-most window
on the screen and since no separator line is present, no indicator
displays its capability.
This window displays the output from the program being
The word ``prog'' indicates this capability.
If this window is also the Interaction window, then ``prog''
does not appear because
there is then no separator line for this window.
This window displays the expressions (and their values)
that have been specified through the display command.
It can
only be
automatically created, if it does not already exist, when the display
command is invoked.
Expressions displayed in this window may be removed
using the undisplay command.
When no expressions remain in this
window, the window itself is removed.
``display'' indicates this
When invoked in screen mode (for example, without -s),
the terminal display
is initially partitioned into two windows -- a program source window with
C/C++ execution and browse capabilities, and an
interaction window.
It is possible to create a number of other
windows to segregate the information to a greater extent.
For example,
``Sample dbxtra session''
contains an example
of a dbxtra screen with a number of the windows described above.

Sample dbxtra session
The source window at the top of the screen contains the C
as well as browse capabilities.
The display window is next, followed by the ouptput window.
Finally, the window at the bottom is the interaction window.
Neither the interaction nor the source window
can be removed using the close
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dbxtra keyboard interface
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dbxtra interface
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003