What is a shell?
Shells are interactive programs that provide a
``glue'' that fastens other programs together. They perform the
following tasks:
Execute the commands typed at the shell prompt.
Find and execute other programs on command.
Interpret the wildcard characters in filename specifications.
Interpret complex regular expressions.
Permit redirection of input and output.
Construct pipelines containing several programs operating in
sequence on the same data stream.
Process shell scripts (a collection of shell commands that can
control execution of other programs).
Perform some basic tests on data and files.
The shells provide a command line interpreter that responds to typed
commands, and a programming language that allows you to create
Your work takes the form of a dialogue with your shell, which acts
as the interface between you and the rest of the system. Like
all good interfaces, your shell allows you to customize it to make
life easier.
Next topic:
What the different shells are for
Previous topic:
Configuring and working with the shells
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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003