You can view the disk configuration in two ways: as a physical disk map (showing the allocation of physical disks to virtual disk pieces and divisions) or as an outline of virtual disk configuration (showing the allocation of virtual disk pieces to physical disks).
To view the physical disk map, select Examine Disk Map from the Disk menu of the Virtual Disk Manager. The physical disk map lists the partitions on each physical hard disk, along with the virtual disk pieces and divisions allocated from those partitions (and the virtual disks to which those pieces belong).
The virtual disk configuration is displayed in the Virtual Disk Manager. It provides an outline view of the virtual disks. You can expand or collapse the individual disks (using Expand or Collapse from the View menu) to see the pieces allocated to the disks. To expand the entire outline, select Expand all or Collapse all from the View menu. To expand the outline by default, select Initial view expanded from the Set Defaults item of the Options menu.