You can have NFS started automatically by having init(M) invoke the shell script /etc/nfs when the system is brought up in multiuser mode (run level 2). This is normally configured automatically during installation by linking the script /etc/nfs to /etc/rc2.d/S89nfs. You must start NFS on at least one server and at least one client to have a functional NFS network.
To stop
on a machine, log in as
and enter:
/etc/nfs stop
When you stop NFS on a node, its resources cannot be accessed from any other node. NFS is shut down automatically when the system is taken to run levels 0, 1, or 6.
You can also start NFS from the command line if you do not
want it started automatically. After ensuring that TCP/IP is
functioning, enter:
/etc/nfs start
See also: