Configuring mouse behavior

Defining the double-click duration for the window manager

To modify the time allowed between the clicks that constitute a double-click action for the window manager, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the desired resource file for editing.

  2. Add the window manager double-click resource specification, using the following format:

    Pmwm*doubleClickTime: resource_value


    Mwm*doubleClickTime: resource_value

    When you have finished, save your changes and exit the resource file.

  3. Restart the window manager.

Step 1: Editing the resource file

You can change the duration allowed between the mouse button presses in a double-click action so that all users on your system can use the new behavior, or you can modify the duration for an individual user.

The majority of window manager resource settings are defined in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Pmwm (for pmwm mode) or the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Mwm (for mwm mode) resource file. The resources in this file are read by the resource manager when the window manager is executed. If you want to modify the window manager double-click duration for all users, you should edit this file. You must have root privileges to perform this step.

Individual users can also change this behavior. Individual resource settings are placed in a file called .Xdefaults-hostname, where hostname is the name of the host, or machine, where the window manager is running.

NOTE: The .Xdefaults-hostname file does not exist in the user's home directory by default. If this file is not currently present, you must create it before you can redefine the time allowed for mouse double-clicks.

If you create this file for a user from the root account, you must assign the file the correct ownership permissions. Run the chown command to assign the correct owner and the chgrp command to assign the correct group to the .Xdefaults-hostname file. If you created this file yourself, these steps are unnecessary.

When the user starts the window manager, it checks to see if an .Xdefaults-hostname file exists in $HOME. If the file does exist, the resource values specified in the user resource file take precedence over any values assigned to the same resource for the system, or in the resource database.

See also:

Step 2: Setting the doubleClickTime resource

Use the doubleClickTime resource to specify the duration allowed between clicks so the action is interpreted as a double-click. The default value of this resource is 500 milliseconds.

Use the following format to set this resource:

Pmwm*doubleClickTime: resource_value


Mwm*doubleClickTime: resource_value

For example, if you want to specify a duration of ``1,000'' milliseconds, set the doubleClickTime resource so it reads:

Pmwm*doubleClickTime: 1000


Mwm*doubleClickTime: 1000

Step 3: Restarting the window manager

After you have specified the new window manager resource value, you must restart the window manager so your changes can take effect. Restart the window manager by selecting the Restart Window Manager option from the Root menu. The Root menu is accessed by pressing and holding mouse button 1 on the Desktop background or, if the Desktop is not running, in the Root window.

Verify that your new double-click designation is being used by the window manager.

Next topic: Example of configuring your mouse
Previous topic: Step 4: Restarting the Desktop

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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003