To start the Calculator from the main SCO Shell menu, select:
Application Calculator
You can use your terminal's numeric keypad as well as the number keys in the keyboard's top row. (If the keypad keys do not seem to work, try pressing <Num Lock>.)
For example, type: 2 + 4 + 6 =
There is no need to press <Space> between numerals. When you finish, the Calculator looks like this:
The display acts just like the one on a pocket calculator.
You enter asterisk ``'' to multiply numbers together
(this is equivalent to the ``×'' key on a pocket
calculator). The Calculator keeps a
running total of the calculation until you reach
the end. (If you want, you can press <Enter>
instead of the ``='' character; they both do the same thing.)
The tape keeps a record of the whole problem, just as you entered it. The answer does not appear there until you press =, just as on an adding machine tape. The arrow keys let you rewind the tape to take a look at the calculations that you did earlier.