The system creates 16 virtual disk nodes by default. If needed, additional virtual disk nodes can be created with idmknod. Edit /etc/conf/node.d/vdisk to define an additional node, then use the command /etc/conf/bin/idmknod to recreate the nodes.
By convention, all virtual disk nodes have the form
/dev/rdsk/vdisk for character virtual disks
and /dev/dsk/vdisk
for block virtual
disks. The characters at the end of the name must be integers. For
example, /dev/rdsk/vdisk17 is an example
of a character virtual disk device and /dev/dsk/vdisk22
is an example of a block virtual disk device.
Do not use the following virtual disk device names, which are reserved for the purpose specified:
Name | Reserved for: |
vdisk0 | administration |
vdisk1 | mirroring root filesystem |
vdisk2 | mirroring the swap device |
vdisk3 | mirroring the boot device |