Backing up audit files
In the
Audit Manager,
Enter the session number you wish to back up; press <F3> for a
list of sessions. Next, select the backup device and the
volume size.
Because audit sessions require a large amount of disk space,
it is often necessary to archive audit data and either reduce
it later or retain it for some period of time in case it is
needed to analyze problems that are not immediately detected.
The backup and restore interface provides this capability.
Auditing consumes a great deal of disk space. Depending on how many
users on your system and how many events are audited, it may be necessary
to back up and remove session files on a weekly basis. If you have
scheduled backups, it is probably not necessary to use the
audit backup selection. Again, it is important to remove the files
to free disk space after they are backed up.
Next topic:
Restoring audit files
Previous topic:
Listing audit sessions
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003