SCO OpenServer system documentation
The following books and topics are included with the SCO OpenServer system.
Printed and Online documentation
Getting Started Guide-
Provides installation and basic configuration instructions,
as well as a new features overview and notes that pertain to
this SCO OpenServer release.
The New features document, provided in earlier SCO OpenServer releases,
is now part of the Getting Started Guide.
Online documentation
Introduces the Desktop, the DocView documentation server,
system administration and troubleshooting, and provides
instructions on hardware and software installation,
configuration, and maintenance.
Apache Web Server Documentation-
Provides information on running and administering
the Apache web server.
This documentation is available from the
Internet Services link on the
DocView home page.
Graphical Environment Guide-
Describes how to customize and administer the Graphical
Environment, including the X Window System
the SCO® Panner
window manager, the
Desktop, and other X clients.
This book is available from the
Graphical Environment link on the
DocView home page.
Graphical Environment help-
Provides online context-sensitive help for
Calendar, Edit, the Desktop,
Paint, the SCO Panner window manager,
and the UNIX® command-line window.
These books are available from the
Graphical Environment link on the
DocView home page.
Guide to Gateways for LAN Servers-
Describes how to set up SCO® Gateway for NetWare®
and LAN Manager Client software
on an SCO OpenServer system to access printers, filesystems,
and other services provided by servers running
Novell® NetWare® and by servers running LAN Manager over DOS,
OS/2®, or UNIX systems. This book
contains the manual pages for LAN Manager Client commands (section
This book is available from the
Windows and NetWare Connectivity link on the
DocView home page.
Mail and Messaging Guide-
Describes how to configure and administer your mail system.
Topics include sendmail, MMDF,
SCO Shell Mail,
mailx, and the Post Office Protocol (POP) server.
Using Mail-
Describes how to use Mail (scomail) to send and
receive electronic mail messages.
Networking Guide-
Provides information on configuring and administering TCP/IP,
software to provide networked and
distributed functionality, including system and network management,
applications support, and file, name, and time services.
Configuring network connections-
Describes how to configure and troubleshoot network connections
using the Network Configuration Manager.
Operating System Tutorial-
Provides a basic introduction to the SCO OpenServer operating system.
This book can also be used
as a refresher course or a quick-reference guide.
Each chapter is a self-contained lesson designed to
give hands-on experience using the SCO OpenServer operating system.
Operating System User's Guide-
Provides an introduction to SCO OpenServer command-line
utilities, the SCO Shell utilities,
working with files and directories, editing files
with the vi editor, transferring
files to disks and tape, using DOS disks and files
in the SCO OpenServer environment, managing processes,
shell programming, regular expressions, awk,
and sed.
Performance Guide-
Describes performance tuning for uniprocessor, multiprocessor,
and networked systems, including those with TCP/IP, NFS, and X clients.
This book discusses how the various subsystems function,
possible performance constraints due to hardware limitations,
and optimizing system configuration for various uses.
Concepts and strategies are illustrated with case studies.
System Administration Guide-
Describes configuration and maintenance of the base operating
system, including account, filesystem, printer, backup, security,
UUCP, and virtual disk management.
Using DocView-
Provides information on using and administering
the DocView documentation server, including how
to generate the search index. Also describes
how to update the DocView server to incorporate third-party
or Open Source documentation that you have added to your
SCO OpenServer system.
SCO OpenServer manual page sections include:
Graphical Environment Reference Pages-
The manual pages for the X server (section X),
and the Desktop and X clients
from SCO OpenServer and MIT (section XC).
Networking Reference Pages-
Command, file, protocol, and utility manual pages
for the IPX/SPX (section PADM),
NFS (sections NADM, NC, and NF),
and TCP/IP (sections ADMN, ADMP, SFF,
and TC) networking software.
Operating System Administrator's Reference Pages-
The manual pages for system administration commands and
utilities (section ADM), system file formats (section F),
hardware-specific information (section HW),
miscellaneous commands (section M),
and SCO Visual Tcl
commands (section TCL).
Operating System User's Reference Pages-
The manual pages for user-accessible
operating system commands and utilities (section C).
Many other useful publications about SCO OpenServer systems
by independent authors are available from technical
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Development documentation
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SCO OpenServer documentation
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003