
monitor -- prepare execution profile


cc ... -lc

#include <mon.h>

void monitor (lowpc, highpc, buffer, bufsize, nfunc) int (*lowpc)( ), (*highpc)( ); WORD *buffer; int bufsize, nfunc;


An executable program created by cc -p automatically includes calls for monitor with default parameters; monitor need not be called explicitly except to gain fine control over profiling.

The monitor function is an interface to profil(S). lowpc and highpc are the addresses of two functions; buffer is the address of a user-supplied array of bufsize WORDs (defined in the <mon.h> header file). monitor records a histogram of two items: periodically sampled values of the program counter and counts of calls to certain functions. This histogram is recorded in the buffer. The lowest address sampled is that of lowpc and the highest is just below highpc. lowpc may not equal 0 for this use of monitor. At most nfunc, call counts can be kept; only calls of functions compiled with the profiling option -p of cc(CP) are recorded.

For the results to be significant, especially where there are small, heavily used routines, it is suggested that the buffer be no more than a few times smaller than the range of locations sampled.

To profile the entire program, it is sufficient to use

           extern etext;

monitor ((int (*)())2, &etext, buf, bufsize, nfunc);
etext lies just above all the program text; see end(S).

To stop execution monitoring and write the results, use

           monitor ((int (*)())0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
The prof(CP) command can then be used to examine the results.

The name of the file written by monitor is controlled by the environment variable PROFDIR. If PROFDIR does not exist, mon.out is created in the current directory. If PROFDIR exists but has no value, monitor does not do any profiling and creates no output file. Otherwise, the value of PROFDIR is used as the name of the directory in which to create the output file. If PROFDIR is dirname, then the file written is in the format of:


where pid is the program's process ID. (When monitor is called automatically by compiling via cc -p, the file created is ``dirname/pid.progname'' where progname is the name of the program.)




The dirname/pid.mon.out form does not work; the dirname/pid.progname form (automatically called via cc -p) does work.

See also

cc(CP), end(S), prof(CP), profil(S)

Standards conformance

monitor is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed by UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. and is maintained by The SCO Group.
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003