A module ID file is a simple ASCII
text file. Lines of all
blanks or where the first non-blank character is a hash mark (#)
are ignored. All other lines are interpreted as module declarations
in the following format:
moduleid messagecatalog messageset
Where moduleid is the module ID,
including the vendor code and messageset is
the message set number within the message catalog.
(This allows messages for more than one module to be grouped
in one message catalog.) messagegcat
is the path to the message catalog
in the format file@archive,
the same format expected by
The SCOadmin internationalization facility will use this
information to load the catalog with the following file name:
where locale is the current locale - see
The file should always end with .cat,
which is the standard file suffix for message catalogs.
If the @archive is absent, the following catalog
is loaded:
Here is an example modfile:
SCO_PIZZA pizza.cat@pizzashop 1 SCO_PIZZA_TOPPING pizza.cat@pizzashop 2This file defines four modules, with two modules located in each of two message catalogs. Both message catalogs are located in the same archive. For example, the messages for the SCO_PIZZA module comprise set 1 of the message catalog under /usr/lib/nls/msg/locale/pizzashop/pizza.cat.SCO_SALAD salad.cat@pizzashop 1 SCO_SALAD_DRESSING salad.cat@pizzashop 2