As with most managers that support network operations,
the template manager accepts a single command line argument:
the host name.
is used to parse command line options of UNIX utilities.
Template procedure: ParseCommandLine
proc ParseCommandLine {} { global argv argc opterr optind appvals# scan for commandline flags set optString "" set argc [llength $argv] set opterr 0 while {[set opt [getopt $argc $argv $optString]] != -1} { case $opt { {?} { Usage; Exit 1 } } }
# process commandline arguments set optCount [expr "$argc - $optind"]
# take managed host name as a command line argument if {$appvals(openhost)} { if {$optCount} { set appvals(managedhost) [lindex $argv $optind] incr optCount -1 } }
if {$optCount > 0} { Usage; Exit 1 } }
See also: