Cache::CacheSizer -- component object for mamanging the size of caches
The CacheSizer class is used internally in SizeAware caches such as SizeAwareFileCache to encapsulate the logic of limiting cache size.
use Cache::CacheSizer;
my $sizer = new Cache::CacheSizer( $cache, $max_size );
$sizer->limit_size( $new_size );
Construct a new Cache::CacheSizer object for the cache $cache with a maximum size of $max_size.
Inform the cache that the object specified by $key has been accessed.
Use the sizing algorithms to get the cache down under $new_size if possible.
The desired size limit for the cache under control.
Cache::Cache, Cache::CacheMetaData, Cache::SizeAwareCache
Original author: DeWitt Clinton <dewitt@unto.net>
Last author: $Author: dclinton $
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 DeWitt Clinton