Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::Cookie - Choose stylesheets based on a browser cookie
AxAddPlugin Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::Cookie
This module checks for the presence of a cookie named 'axkit_preferred_style' and sets the preferred style accordingly.
The name of the cookie can be changed by setting the variable
in your httpd.conf:
PerlSetVar AxStyleChooserCookieKey mystyle
Once set, this module will check for the presence of the cookie named 'mystyle' instead of the cookie named 'axkit_preferred_style'.
To use the module, simply add this module as an AxKit plugin that will be run before main AxKit processing is done.
AxAddPlugin Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::Cookie
See the AxStyleName AxKit configuration directive for more information on how to setup named style.
Kip Hampton, kip@hampton.ws