

       devdump,  isoinfo,  isovfy,  isodump - Utility programs for dumping and
       verifying iso9660 images.


       devdump isoimage

       isodump isoimage

       isoinfo [ options ] [ find [ find expression ]]

       isovfy isoimage


       devdump is a crude utility to interactively  display  the  contents  of
       device  or  filesystem  images.  The initial screen is a display of the
       first 256 bytes of the first 2048 byte sector.  The  commands  are  the
       same as with isodump.

       isodump  is  a  crude  utility to interactively display the contents of
       iso9660 images in order to verify  directory  integrity.   The  initial
       screen  is  a  display of the first part of the root directory, and the
       prompt shows you the extent number and offset in the extent.

              You can use the 'a' and 'b' commands to move backwards and  for-
              wards  within  the  image. The 'g' command allows you to goto an
              arbitrary extent, and the 'f' command specifies a search  string
              to  be  used.  The  '+'  command  searches  forward for the next
              instance of the search string, and the 'q' command exits devdump
              or isodump.

       isoinfo  is  a  utility  to  perform directory like listings of iso9660

       isovfy is a utility to verify the integrity of an iso9660  image.  Most
       of  the  tests in isovfy were added after bugs were discovered in early
       versions of mkisofs.  It isn't all that clear how useful this  is  any-
       more, but it doesn't hurt to have this around.


       The   options   common   to   all   programs   are   -help,-h,-version,
       i=name,dev=name.  The  isoinfo  program  has  additional  command  line
       options. The options are:


       -h     print a summary of all options.

       -d     Print  information  from  the primary volume descriptor (PVD) of
              the iso9660 image. This includes information about  Rock  Ridge,
              Joliet extensions and Eltorito boot information if present.

       -f     generate  output as if a 'find . -print' command had been run on
              the iso9660 image. You should not use the -l image with  the  -f
              option.   The  same  output  is  created by calling isoinfo with
              -find -print

       -find find expression
              This option acts a separator. If it is used, all isoinfo options
              must  be  to  the  left of the -find option. To the right of the
              -find option, mkisofs accepts the find command line syntax only.
              If  the find expression includes a -print or -ls promary, the -l
              to isoinfo is ignored.  If  the  find  expression  evaluates  as
              true, the selected action (e.g.  list the ISO-9660 directory) is

       -i iso_image
              Specifies the path of the iso9660 image that we wish to examine.
              The options -i and dev=target are mutual exclusive.

              Ignore  errors.   The  commands  by  default  aborts  on several
              errors, such as read errors. With this  option  in  effect,  the
              commands try to continue.  Use with care.

              Sets  the SCSI target for the drive, see notes above.  A typical
              device specification is dev=6,0 .  If a filename  must  be  pro-
              vided  together  with  the  numerical  target specification, the
              filename is implementation specific.  The  correct  filename  in
              this  case  can  be  found in the system specific manuals of the
              target operating system.  On a FreeBSD system without  CAM  sup-
              port,  you need to use the control device (e.g.  /dev/rcd0.ctl).
              A  correct  device   specification   in   this   case   may   be
              dev=/dev/rcd0.ctl:@ .

              On Linux, drives connected to a parallel port adapter are mapped
              to a virtual SCSI bus. Different adapters are mapped to  differ-
              ent targets on this virtual SCSI bus.

              If  no  dev  option  is present, the program will try to get the
              device from the CDR_DEVICE environment.

              If the argument to the dev= option does not contain the  charac-
              ters  ',',  '/',  '@' or ':', it is interpreted as an label name
              that may be found in the file /etc/default/cdrecord  (see  FILES

              The options -i and dev=target are mutual exclusive.

       -debug Print  additional  debug information. This enables e.g. printing
              of all directory entries if a file has more than  one  directory
              entry  and  printing of more information from the primary volume

              In debug mode, Rock Ridge information is parsed with -R even  if
              it is not standard compliant.

       -l     generate  output  as  if  a 'ls -lR' command had been run on the
              iso9660 image.  You should not use the  -f  image  with  the  -l

              The numbers in square brackets are the starting sector number as
              decimal number (based on 2048 bytes per sector) and the  iso9660
              directory flags as hexadecimal number as follows:

              0x00   A plain file (not really a flag).

              0x01   Hide the file name from directory listings.

              0x02   A directory.

              0x04   An accociated file (e.g. an Apple resource fork).

              0x08   Record format in extended attributes is used.

              0x10   No read/execute permission in extended attributes.

              0x20   reserved

              0x40   reserved

              0x80   Not the final entry of a multi extent file.

       -N sector
              Quick hack to help examine single session disc files that are to
              be written to a multi-session disc. The sector number  specified
              is  the sector number at which the iso9660 image should be writ-
              ten when send to the cd-writer. Not used for the  first  session
              on the disc.

       -p     Print path table information.

       -R     Extract  information from Rock Ridge extensions (if present) for
              permissions, file names and ownerships.

       -s     Print file size infos in multiples of sector size (2048  bytes).

       -J     Extract information from Joliet extensions (if present) for file

       -j charset
              Convert Joliet file names (if present) to the supplied  charset.
              See mkisofs(8) for details.

       -T sector
              Quick  hack  to  help  examine  multi-session  images  that have
              already been burned to a multi-session disc. The  sector  number
              specified  is  the sector number for the start of the session we
              wish to display.

       -X     Extract files from the image and put them into  the  filesystem.
              If the -find option is not used, all files are extracted.

              The  isoinfo  program  supports to extract all files, even multi
              extent files (files > 4 GB).

              Before extracting files using the -X option, it  is  recommended
              to  change  the current directory to an empty directory in order
              to prevent to clobber existing files.

       -x pathname
              Extract specified file to stdout.  The pathname needs  to  start
              with a shlash ('/') and in case of iso9660 names, must match the
              full pathname of the file inluding the version  number  (usually
              ';1').   If  the option -R has been specified and the filesystem
              carries Rock Ridge attributes, the pathname must match the  full
              Rock Ridge pathname of the file.


       The  author  of  the original sources (1993 ... 1998) is Eric Youngdale
       <> or <> is to blame for  these
       shoddy hacks.  Joerg Schilling wrote the SCSI transport library and its
       adaptation layer to the programs and newer parts (starting  from  1999)
       of  the  utilities,  this  makes  them  Copyright  (C)  1999-2004 Joerg
       Schilling.  Patches  to  improve  general  usability  would  be  gladly


       The user interface really sucks.


       These  utilities  are  really  quick  hacks,  which are very useful for
       debugging problems in mkisofs or in an iso9660 filesystem. In the  long
       run,  it would be nice to have a daemon that would NFS export a iso9660

       The isoinfo program is probably the program that is of the most use  to
       the general user.


       These  utilities  come with the cdrtools package, and the primary down-
       load site is and  many
       other mirror sites. Despite the name, the software is not beta.


              This may either hold a device identifier that is suitable to the
              open call of the SCSI transport library or a label in  the  file

       RSH    If  the  RSH  environment is present, the remote connection will
              not be created via rcmd(3) but by calling the program pointed to
              by  RSH.   Use  e.g.   RSH=/usr/bin/ssh to create a secure shell

              Note that this forces the program to create a pipe to the rsh(1)
              program and disallows the program to directly access the network
              socket to the remote server.  This makes it impossible to set up
              performance parameters and slows down the connection compared to
              a root initiated rcmd(3) connection.

       RSCSI  If the RSCSI environment is present, the remote SCSI server will
              not  be  the  program  /opt/schily/sbin/rscsi  but  the  program
              pointed to by RSCSI.  Note that the remote SCSI  server  program
              name  will  be  ignored  if you log in using an account that has
              been created with a remote SCSI server program as login shell.


              Default  values  can  be  set  for  the  following  options   in

                     This may either hold a device identifier that is suitable
                     to the open call of the SCSI transport library or a label
                     in the file /etc/default/cdrecord that allows to identify
                     a specific drive on the system.

              Any other label
                     is an identifier for a  specific  drive  on  the  system.
                     Such  an  identifier  may not contain the characters ',',
                     '/', '@' or ':'.

                     Each line that follows a label contains a  TAB  separated
                     list of items.  Currently, four items are recognized: the
                     SCSI ID of the drive, the default speed  that  should  be
                     used for this drive, the default FIFO size that should be
                     used for this drive and drive specific options. The  val-
                     ues  for  speed and fifosize may be set to -1 to tell the
                     program to  use  the  global  defaults.   The  value  for
                     driveropts may be set to "" if no driveropts are used.  A
                     typical line may look this way:

                     teac1= 0,5,0   4    8m   ""

                     yamaha= 1,6,0  -1   -1   burnfree

                     This tells the program that a drive  named  teac1  is  at
                     scsibus  0, target 5, lun 0 and should be used with speed
                     4 and a FIFO size of 8 MB.  A second drive may  be  found
                     at  scsibus 1, target 6, lun 0 and uses the default speed
                     and the default FIFO size.


       mkisofs(8), cdrecord(1), readcd(1), scg(7), rcmd(3), ssh(1).

Version 3.02                      2015/11/02                        ISOINFO(8)
See also isodump(8)
See also isoinfo(8)
See also isovfy(8)

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