The arguments host and session allow substitutes for the defaults localhost and public. session refers to the SNMP session or community in which to make the specified requests.
There are a number of display formats, depending on the information presented.
By default, active transport endpoints are displayed. The -t flag is used to display all transport endpoints including servers. Active transport endpoints are those whose local address portions have been set to a specific address. The protocol, local and remote address, and the internal state of the protocol (if applicable) are shown.
Address formats are of the form ``host.port'' or
``network.port'' if an endpoint's address specifies a
network but no specific host address. If the -n
flag is not used, the host and network addresses and port
numbers are displayed symbolically according to the data
bases /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, and
/etc/services, respectively. If a symbolic name
for an address is unknown or if the -n flag has
been used, the address is printed in the Internet ``dot
format''. Unspecified or ``wildcard'' addresses
and ports appear as ``''.
The routing table display indicates the available routes and their status. Each route consists of a destination host or network and a gateway to use in forwarding packets. The ``metric'' field shows the metric associated with the route. The ``type'' field displays what kind of route this is, whether for a directly connected network or a remote network, etc. The ``proto'' field indicates the mechanism by which the route was learned. The ``interface'' shows the name of the interface with which this route is associated. The ``type'' and ``proto'' fields are displayed symbolically.
The address translation display indicates the current knowledge regarding address translations for remote hosts with which communication has recently occurred. Entries in the address translation table consist of a host address, its physical address (typically an Ethernet address), and the name of the interface for which this translation is valid.
The system display contains the description of the entity being managed, the object identifier describing the management subsystem on the entity, and the duration of time since the management subsystem was reinitialized.
The interface display provides a table of cumulative statistics regarding packets transferred, errors, and queue lengths. The ``name'', ``address'', and ``mtu'' (maximum transmission unit) of the interface are also displayed.
RFC 1155 (STD 16), RFC 1156, RFC 1157 (STD 15), RFC 1213 (STD 17)