The idbuild script builds a new UNIX system kernel using the current system configuration in /etc/conf. The idconfig script builds the system kernel configuration files. Kernel reconfigurations are usually performed after a device driver is installed, or system tunable parameters are modified. The script uses the shell variable ROOT from the user's environment as its starting path. Except for the special case of kernel development in a non-root source tree, the shell variable ROOT should always be set to null or to ``/''. idbuild exits with a return code of zero on success and non-zero on failure.
Building a new UNIX system image consists of generating new system configuration files, then link-editing the kernel and device driver object modules in the /etc/conf/pack.d object tree. This is done by idbuild by calling the following commands:
The system configuration files are built by processing the Master and
System files representing device driver and tunable parameter specifications.
The files /etc/conf/cf.d/mdevice, and
/etc/conf/cf.d/mtune represent the Master information.
The file /etc/conf/cf.d/stune, and the files specified in
/etc/conf/sdevice.d/ represent the System information.
The kernel also has filesystem type information defined in the files
specified by /etc/conf/sfsys.d/
idvidi and idscsi read the video driver and SCSI driver configurations, respectively.
idconfig reads the system configuration files and reports any conflicts and errors.
idmkunix links the necessary modules to create the new kernel.
Once a new UNIX system kernel has been configured and linked,
idmkenv is invoked to back up the current /unix and
replace it with the new kernel, and rebuild the kernel environment
(using the files /etc/conf/node.d/).
The errors encountered fall into the following categories: