During our analysis of the code for testcase.c, we modified the sample program; specifically, we beautified the code using cb. Because it is always a good idea to track changes to a project, we should check the modified code back into SCCS.
To check the modified code back into SCCS, issue the command:
delta s.testcase.cSupply a brief comment describing the changes in response to the
After the comment has been added, SCCS responds with a brief message indicating what has happened to the file:
UX:delta: WARNING: No id keywords (cm7) 1.2 57 inserted 31 deleted 35 unchanged
To list the history of changes to the testcase file, issue the following command:
prs s.testcase.cYou see:
D 1.2 94/10/07 14:32:51 username 2 1 00000/00000/00117 MRs: COMMENTS: sample editing changes made to this fileThere are other tools available to retrieve an earlier version of the file, compare two versions of the file, and so forth. The ``Source Code Control System (SCCS)'' chapter in the Programming Tools Guide includes a detailed explanation and tutorial for using SCCS.D 1.1 94/10/07 13:26:29 username 1 0 00117/00000/00000 MRs: COMMENTS: date and time created 94/10/07 13:26:29 by username