/etc/swap -d swapdev [ swaplo ]
/etc/swap -l
swapdev is the name of the block special device, for example, /dev/dsk/1s0, or the pathname of a regular file. If it is a regular file, swap uses marry(ADM) to create a block special device below /dev/marry that is associated with the regular file.
swaplo is the offset as a number of 512-byte blocks into the device or file where the swap area should begin (default is 0). swaplo may be used to assign a swap area on the same disk partition as a mounted filesystem, but starting above that filesystem. If you specify swaplo, you must also specify swaplen.
swaplen is the length of the swap area as a number of 512-byte blocks (the default 0 uses the full extent of the device or file). A regular file used as a swap area will grow as required to the size imposed by swaplen if there is free space in the filesystem; otherwise, the file will not be extended.
Swap areas are normally added by a system start-up script placed in /etc/rc2.d that is invoked by the system when going into multiuser mode (see rc2(ADM) for more details).
If the swap area is in use, deletion may take several seconds; it
will be refused if there is insufficient memory available.
Usually empty, the sixth column shows INDEL
if deletion
of the swap area has begun but has not yet been completed.
path dev swaplo blocks free /dev/swap 1,41 0 30000 25784 /swap 76,1 0 15000 25784The path is displayed as
if the block special file
is not found in /dev or /dev/dsk, or it is not
in the /dev/marry directory hierarchy in the case of a
regular file.
A regular file can only be used as a swap area if the marry(ADM) utility and /dev/rmarry character device are present, and the marry(HW) driver configured into the running kernel.
A regular file to be added as a swap area must already exist in the root or another mounted filesystem.
You cannot unmount a filesystem containing a regular file used as a swap area until the swap area is deleted. Halting the system deletes the swap area automatically before unmounting.
No check is done to see if a swap area being added
overlaps with an existing swap area or filesystem.