ndstat, llistat --
display network adapter driver statistics
ndstat [ -clsCRS ] [ device_name ]
The ndstat utility displays statistics for
configured network adapter drivers. In addition to the
driver name and address, ndstat listens for
information from the DLPI (Data Link Provider
Interface) and MDI (MAC Driver
Interface) modules including:
MAC (Media Access Control) frame transmission information
media-specific services for Ethernet and Token-Ring,
including the Token-Ring source routing table if applicable
The ndstat utility is linked to llistat to
provide backward compatibility with LLI (Link Level
Interface) drivers.
clears all statistics
displays media-specific statistics in long form
verifies the device name only
clears the Token-Ring route table
displays the Token-Ring source routing table
displays information about SAPs (Service Access Point) in use
allows you to specify a single device name. If you do not
use this option and there is more than one adapter
configured, ndstat shows you the configuration
for all of the devices. The name is usually in the form
netn-1, where n is the number
of adapters configured in your system. Note that if you do
not specify the device name, ndstat does not
return information on third-party-provided LLI
ndstat (no options)
ndstat (no options) displays the following basic information
about your network drivers. The sample output is followed by a short
description of each item.
Device MAC address in use Factory MAC Address
------ ------------------ -------------------
/dev/net0 00:00:c0:ec:d5:4c 00:00:c0:ec:d5:4c
Multicast address table
Unicast Multicast Broadcast Error Octets Queue Length
---------- --------- --------- ------ ----------- ------------
In: 33254 0 16133 7 4880475 0
Out: 24785 3 16 9 3029828 0
This report lists the following:
The name of the adapter driver.
MAC address in use-
The MAC (Media Access Control) address currently
associated with the adapter. Although this is often the same as
the Factory Address, alternative MAC addresses can be
configured for some adapters.
Factory MAC Address-
The built-in address assigned by the adapter manufacturer (also
called ``hardware address'').
Multicast address table-
Lists the multicast addresses in use in the same form as the Factory
Address. These are typically set by protocol stacks.
The number of frames that have gone in
and out of the board, which is broken down by:
The number of unicast frames received (In) and sent (Out). Unicast
frames are received or sent from and to the MAC address
in use.
The number of multicast frames received (In) and sent (Out).
The number of broadcast frames received (In) and sent (Out).
The number of frames that have gone in and out with errors.
The total number of octets (bytes) received (in) and sent (out).
Queue Length-
The number of octets (bytes) waiting to be transmitted.
ndstat -l (with ethernet networks)
This option displays the same basic information as
ndstat. However, if you are running an ethernet
network, it adds the following ethernet-specific
information from the DLPI and MDI
(MAC Driver Interface) modules.
LLI Module Info-
SAPs open-
Lists the number of Service Access Points that are currently open.
SAPs maximum-
Lists the maximum number of Service Access Points.
frames received destined for an unbound SAP-
Lists the number of frames that were sent to an unbound
Service Access Point.
MAC Driver Info-
Lists the following information about the Media Access Control driver:
Describes the type of transmission media.
Lists the minimum data unit size that can be transmitted.
Lists the maximum data unit size that can be transmitted.
Address length-
Lists the MAC address byte length.
Interface speed-
Lists the transmission speed on the transmission media.
Interface Version-
Lists the MDI version number.
Ethernet-specific statistics include the following:
Collision Table-
The number of frames successfully transmitted,
but involved in at least one collision.
Bad Alignment-
The number of frames received that were
not an integral number of octets.
FCS Errors-
The number of frames received that did
not pass the Frame Check Sequence.
SQE Test Errors-
The number of Signal Quality Error Test
signals that were detected by the adapter.
Deferred Transmissions-
The number of frames delayed on the
first transmission attempt because the media was busy.
Late Collisions-
The number of times a collision is
detected later than 512 bits into
the transmitted frame.
Excessive Collisions-
The number of frames dropped on transmission
because of excessive collisions.
Internal MAC Transmit Errors-
The number of frames dropped on transmission
because of MAC errors.
Carrier Sense Errors-
The number of times that the carrier sense
condition was lost when attempting to
send a frame that was deferred for an
excessive amount of time.
Frame Too Long-
The number of frames dropped on reception
because they were larger than the
maximum Ethernet frame size.
Internal MAC Receive Errors-
The number of frames dropped on reception
because of MAC errors.
Spurious Interrupts-
The number of times the adapter interrupted
the system for an unknown reason.
No STREAMS Buffers-
The number of frames dropped on reception
because no STREAMS buffers were available.
The number of times the transfer of
data to or from the frame buffer
did not complete successfully.
Device Timeouts-
The number of times the adapter failed to
respond to a request from the driver.
ndstat -l (with Token-Ring networks)
This option displays the same basic information as ndstat.
However, if you are running a Token-Ring network, ndstat -l
adds the following Token-Ring specific
information from the DLPI
and MDI (MAC Driver Interface) modules.
LLI Module Info-
SAPs open-
Lists the number of Service Access Points that are currently open.
SAPs maximum-
Lists the maximum number of Service Access Points.
MAC Driver Info-
Lists information about the Media Access Control driver.
Describes the type of transmission media.
Lists the data unit size that can be transmitted.
Lists the maximum data unit size that can be transmitted.
Address length-
Lists the MAC address byte length.
Interface speed-
Lists the transmission speed on the transmission media.
Interface Version-
Lists the MDI version number.
Token-ring statistics include the following:
Ring Status-
Lists whether the ring is functioning.
Upstream MAC-
MAC address of nearest upstream neighbor.
Functional Address-
Functional address set on the adapter.
Active Monitor-
If non-zero, indicates that
the interface will participate
in active monitor selection.
Line Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected an
FCS error in the frame with E-bit zero.
Burst Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter
detected the absence of transitions
for 5 half-bit times.
AC Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected
a station unable to set the A & C
bits correctly.
Abort Transmission Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter aborted a
transmission by sending an abort delimited.
Lost Frame Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter aborted a
transmission because its TRR timer expired.
Receive Congestions-
Lists the number of times the adapter failed to
receive a frame because of no free
receive buffers.
Frame Copied Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter recognized
a frame's destination address, but the
frame had already been recognized
by another station on the ring.
Token Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter recognized
an error which needed a token to be
MAC Soft Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter recognized an
error which was corrected by the MAC layer.
MAC Hard Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter recognized
an error which could not be corrected
by the MAC layer.
Signal Loss-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected
the absence of a signal on the ring.
Transmit Beacons-
Lists the number of times the adapter
sent a beacon frame.
Ring Recoveries-
Lists the number of times Claim Token MAC frames
were received or transmitted after
the ring was purged.
Lobe Wire Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected
an open or short circuit on the cable.
Lists the number of times the adapter received
a Remove Station MAC frame.
Single Station-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected that
it was the only station on the ring.
Frequency Errors-
Lists the number of times the adapter detected
the frequency of the incoming signal
differed from the IEEE tolerances.
Frame Too Long-
Lists the number of frames dropped on reception
because they were larger than the
maximum Token Ring frame size.
Spurious Interrupts-
Lists the number of times the adapter interrupted
the system for an unknown reason.
No STREAMS Buffers-
Lists the number of frames dropped on reception
because no STREAMS buffers were available.
Lists the number of times the transfer of data
to or from the adapter did not
complete successfully.
Device Timeouts-
Lists the number of times the adapter failed to
respond to a request from the driver.
ndstat -R
This displays information similar to ndstat
but adds
the Interface Version as well as
information from the
LLI module,
MAC driver,
and the Token-Ring source routing table.
ndstat -R displays the following
information about your network drivers. The sample output
is followed by a short description of each item.
Device MAC address in use Factory MAC Address
------ ------------------ -------------------
/dev/net0 08:00:5a:49:10:e3 08:00:5a:49:10:e3
Unicast Multicast Broadcast Error Octets Queue Length
---------- --------- --------- ------ ----------- ------------
In: 9 0 3 0 1110 0
Out: 7 0 1 0 836 0
LLI Module Info: 2 SAPs open, 17 SAPs maximum
MAC Driver Info: Media_type: Token Ring
Min_SDU: 1, Max_SDU: 2000, Address length: 6
Interface speed: 4 Mbits/sec
Interface Version: MDI 3200
2 of 1023 Source Routes in use
Sending ARE frames is enabled (route optimization is on).
MAC Address Maximum PDU Timeout (ticks) Route Length
----------------- ----------- --------------- ------------
08:00:5a:49:10:e3 516 0 0
08:00:5a:0b:5b:23 2052 0 2
Ring(s): 001->003
via Bridge(s): 1
Report items added by the -R option:
Lists the number of token-ring source routes in use as well
as the total number of possible source routes. Also
reports whether All Routes Explored (ARE) route
optimization is on.
MAC Address-
Lists the MAC Address associated with the
network adapter as well as the MAC address of
any bridge adapters.
Maximum PDU-
Lists the maximum data unit size.
Timeout (ticks)-
Lists the number of ticks before a route is dropped.
Route Length-
Number of hops necessary to get to listed MAC Address.
ndstat -S
This starts with the same information as ndstat
and adds the following SAP information. The
sample output is followed by a short description of each
Unicast XID TEST Multicast Broadcast Error Octets Queue Length
-------- --- ---- --------- --------- ----- ---------- ------------
"IP" Ethernet-II type=0x0800:
In: 31136 0 0 0 5951 0 4015275 0
Out: 23305 0 0 3 1 0 2688004 0
"ARP" Ethernet-II type=0x0806:
In: 7 0 0 0 9162 0 550140 0
Out: 11 0 0 0 14 0 1248 0
For each SAP (Service Access Point)
(for example IP or ARP),
SAP specific information includes:
Displays the number of XID test frames received (In) and sent (Out).
Displays the number of TEST test frames received (In) and sent (Out).
Queue Length-
Displays the number of packets in the queue to be received (In) and
sent (Out).
Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast Error and Octets are covered under the
heading ``ndstat (no options)'' above.
See also
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003