Command options by class

Geometry class options

Geometry class options govern the positioning of widgets. They are available for all widgets that are children of forms created with VtForm(VTCL), VtFormDialog(VTCL), and VtFrame(VTCL) (when the -asForm options is specified).

Each side of a widget can specify something that it attaches to. This can be:

If no geometry options are specified, the child widgets are attached such that the topSide is attached to the Form (for the first child) or previous child (for subsequent children) and the leftSide is attached to the Form. This results in a default layout of a single column row.

The following geometry class options are available:

-above widgetName (CS)
Puts the object above widgetName. For example, to create two PushButtons, with button b above button a:
set a [VtPushButton $fn.a -label "button a" \
	-topSide NONE -bottom FORM]
set b [VtPushButton $fn.b -label "button b" -above $a]
Be careful not to put widgets into negative space. In the above example, button a is explicitly attached to the bottom of the form. If it were not, button b would exist outside the viewing form area.

-alignBottom widgetName (CS)
Aligns the bottom of the source object with the bottom side of the target object.

-alignLeft widgetName (CS)
Aligns the left side of the source object with the left side of the target object.

-alignRight widgetName (CS)
Aligns the right side of the source object with the right side of the target object.

-alignTop widgetName (CS)
Aligns the top of the source object with the top side of the target object.

-below widgetName (CS)
Puts the source object below the target object.

-bottomSide widgetName |FORM | distance | NONE (CS)
Attaches the bottom side of the source object to one of:

Alternatively, if NONE is specified, any attachment is removed.

-bottomOffset integer (CS)
Specifies the amount to offset the bottomSide attachment by (in character widths under character mode, or in pixels under graphical mode). The default is 0.

-leftSide widgetName | FORM | distance | NONE (CS)
Attaches the left side of the source object to one of:

Alternatively, if NONE is specified, any attachment is removed.

-leftOffset integer (CS)
Specifies the amount to offset the leftOffset attachment by (in character widths under character mode, or in pixels under graphical mode). The default is 0.

-rightSide widgetName | FORM | distance | NONE (CS)
Attaches the right side of the source object to one of:

Alternatively, if NONE is specified, any attachment is removed.

-rightOffset integer (CS)
Specifies the amount to offset the rightOffset attachment by (in character widths under character mode, or in pixels under graphical mode). The default is 0.

-topSide widgetName | FORM | distance | NONE (CS)
Attaches the top of the source object to one of:

Alternatively, if NONE is specified, any attachment is removed.

-topOffset integer (CS)
Specifies the amount to offset the topOffset attachment by (in character widths under character mode, or in pixels under graphical mode). The default is 0.

Note that fractional distances in the options bottomSide, leftSide, rightSide, and topSide are defined in terms of the defined fractionBase value of the form; see ``Form class options'' for details.

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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003