The sar -S command (or its equivalent mpsar -S for SMP) reports the usage of SCSI request blocks:
23:59:44 reqblk/s oreqblk/s 23:59:49 12.56 0.00 23:59:54 3.04 0.00 23:59:59 25.45 0.00Average 13.68 0.00
is the average number of request blocks used
per second.
is the number of times per second that
processes were put to sleep because not enough request blocks
were available. If oreqblk/s
is greater than zero,
increase the value of SDSKOUT by at least the maximum
value reported for the following quantity:
/ reqblk/s
The following table summarizes the commands that you can use to view SCSI request block activity:
Viewing SCSI request block activity
Command | Field | Description |
[mp]sar -S | reqblk/s | number of SCSI request blocks allocated per second |
oreqblk/s | number of times per second that the system ran out of SCSI request blocks |