To rename a file on a UNIX system, use the mv (move) command. You can also use mv to ``move'' a file from one directory to another. To rename a file using mv, type mv, the name of the file you want to rename, the new name you want to call it, and press <Enter>.
mv mydir/afile /tmp
For example, if you want to rename the file
mytodo as monday, type:
mv mytodo monday
If you want to move monday to the temporary
directory /tmp, type:
mv monday /tmp
Try making a directory for to-do lists and moving the file mytodo into it. (If you do not have the file mytodo from the writing and editing lessons in ``Writing and editing'', use the cat command or the vi editor to create a file called mytodo containing a to-do list. See ``Writing and editing'' for instructions.)
$mkdir Todos
$mv mytodo Todos
$ls Todos