If you find that you are mailing messages to the same group of people over and over again, you may want to set up a personal mail alias. A mail alias is a single word you substitute for the names of several recipients.
For example, let's say you often found yourself sending messages
to all the sales people in your company: Jane, John, Jim, Joe, and Biff.
You could create an alias named sales so instead of typing
mail jane john jim joe biff, you could simply type
mail sales. To set up a mail alias, type:
a aliasname loginname loginname ...
Here, aliasname is what you want to call the alias and each loginname is the login name of a person you want included in the alias. Do this at the mail prompt when you are in your mailbox.
For example, to set up the sales alias, you would type the following
at the mail prompt when you are reading your mail:
a sales jane john jim joe biff