Administering filesystems

Filesystem mount options (Rockridge)

When you add or modify a Rockridge CD-ROM filesystem, you can set advanced options for this filesystem type. The Filesystem Manager supports the following options:

SUID and SGID file permissions
specifies whether to honor or ignore setuid and setgid bits on a file when executing it. See ``SUID/SGID bits and security'' and the setuid(S), and setgid(S) manual pages for more information.

Device files and named pipes writable
specifies that device files and named pipes on the mounted CD-ROM filesystem are writable.

If you do not make device files and named pipes writable, opening a file on a read-only filesystem displays an EROFS error. However, if you do make device files and named pipes writable, the mounted filesystem is not XPG3 compliant.

User ID Mapping
maps the user ID recorded on the CD-ROM to a user ID on the system.

If you set this option, you must use a valid user name or a valid user ID between 0 and 60000.

You can use user ID mappings already defined in a file. Specify mappings in the file using one of the following formats:

   cd_uid:UID comment
   cd_uid:user_name comment
where cd_uid is the user ID as recorded on the CD-ROM. Put each user ID mapping on a separate line.

Group ID Mapping
maps the group ID recorded on the CD-ROM to a group ID on the system.

If you set this option, you must use a valid group name or a valid group ID between 0 and 60000.

You can use group ID mappings already defined in a file. Specify mappings in the file using one of the following formats:

   cd_gid:GID comment
   cd_gid:group_name comment
where cd_gid is the group ID as recorded on the CD-ROM. Put each group ID mapping on a separate line.

Device ID Mapping
maps the device number recorded on the CD-ROM to a device number on the system.

If you specify this option, the device pathname must be a full pathname from the root of the CD-ROM. The device number on the system must be a valid device number in the range of 0 to 65535.

You can use device mappings already defined in a file. Specify mappings in the file using the following format:

   cd_path:device_# comment
where cd_path is the full pathname from the root of the CD-ROM filesystem of the device node to map. Put each device mapping on a separate line.

NOTE: The Filesystem Manager supports one only of each of the user ID, group ID, and device ID mapping options for Rockridge filesystems. If you require more than one user, group, or device mapping, define the mappings in a file (using the formats listed above) and specify that file when modifying these options with the Filesystem Manager.

See also:

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Previous topic: Filesystem mount options (High Sierra and ISO9660)

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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003