It is possible to use the CUPS printing system from the command
line. While this document will not delve into all of the specifics of
the CUPS command line interface, there are portions of this interface
which are specific to the Gimp-Print software.
The command line is in some cases a more convenient way to generate
printed output (e.g. when printing from a script). However, most
people (including the author) cannot easily predict what a command
line option of "-o stpCyan=1350" will do to the output. It is
therefore a good idea to use the GIMP to view the image and the
Gimp-Print plugin to preview these settings before relying on the
command line.
When using CUPS from the command line, the command will have this
general format:
lpr -P my_printer_name \
-o option1=<choice1> \
-o option2=<choice2> \
When typing the command directly onto the command line, put all of the
command line options on one line, and do not type the "\" characters.
The list of possible options which are specific to Gimp-Print,
followed by some of the supported choices, are shown below:
-o PageSize=<...| A3 | A4 | A4 | ...>
-o InputSlot=<Roll | Standard>
-o MediaType=< ..| Inkjet | Plain | GlossyPaper | ...>
-o Resolution=<360sw | 360swuni ...| 1440x720 >
-o ColorModel=<Black | RGB | Gray | CMYK>
-o stpBrightness=<0...2000>
-o stpContrast=<0...2000>
-o stpCyan=<0...4000>
-o stpDensity=<0...2000>
-o stpDither=<0...4000>
-o stpGamma=<0...4000>
-o stpImageType=<LineArt | Continuous | SolidTone>
-o stpInkType=<PhotoCMY | CMYK | PhotoCMYK | RGB>
-o stpMagenta=<0...4000>
-o stpSaturation=<0...9000>
-o stpYellow=<0...4000>
For more detailed information, consult the appropriate sections of
Chapter 2.