Normally a user's login name is used as identification
in a mail address. As an alternative, you can disassociate
login names from mail addresses by assigning a Mail ID for each user.
To do so,
define the MMAILID parameter
in the /usr/mmdf/mmdftailor file
to be 1.
Then map Mail IDs to login names in two table files: users and mailids. The location of these table files is defined by MTBLDIR in mmdftailor; the default is /usr/mmdf/tables. Each table has lines with two entries per line (user and Mail ID, or Mail ID and user). The users file is used to map user names (login ids) to Mail IDs, for example:
rogerr RogerThe mailids file is used to map Mail IDs to user names, for example:
Roger rogerrA user can have more than one entry in the mailids file, but should have only one entry in the users file (the users file defines default Mail IDs).